6 AM and the library doesn't open

Issue #78 resolved
Andrew Schultz created an issue

It would be nice if you had a way to deal with staying past 6 AM. Even with a walkthrough I wind up pushing things a bit. Maybe you broke in Saturday night & it opens later Sunday?

Seeing this opening message made me worried things were timed, too. It's a neat feature but I don't know how to deal with it.

[one of]Welcome, [player's full name]![/br][or]Library hours: 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM today.[/br][or]The Spell Research Area is to the north.[/br][or]Storage areas lie to the northeast and southeast.[/br][or]To the east is the Basic Spells Collection.[/br][or]Returns are processed to the southwest.[/br][or]Scrying crystals are available to the northwest.[/br][or]The Main Stacks are to the west.[/br][or]This mosaic was enchanted by H. Ondricek and M. T. Winter of the Class of 925.[/br][cycling]

This isn't a huge consistency error but it kept poking at me.

Comments (1)

  1. Daniel Stelzer repo owner

    I added a special message to be printed at 6:00 AM. I'm not sure how to make sure players know it isn't timed but I shall work on that.

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