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#i-doit API Client Library for PHP
The i-doit API Client is a library targetting PHP to provide an easy way to interact with the i-doit JSON-RPC API.
Install / Initalize
In order to use the direct programming interface, you need to initialize the api client with your i-doit installation. This process creates a dynamic codeset to directly access object type constants, category constants and category methods, depending on your i-doit database. You will even be able to access custom created object types.
Make sure you have an i-doit with activated API and make installed first, since it is needed prior to initializing the code:
- Windows users should take a look at gnuwin32, mingw or cygwin in order to experience the joy of makefiles and the make tools.
- Mac OS X users just need to have XCode and the command line tools installed with 'xcode-select --install'.
- Linux users can normally lay back and relax. If not, ask your package manager about make.
Once this has been ensured, initialize the api client with the following command in the client directory (this is where Makefile is located..):
make initialize
All the people who do not want to deal with installing make or having problems with it could also directly call the initializer with the php-cli executable:
/usr/bin/php Lib/Initialize.php
php.exe Lib/Initialize.php
include the APi Client Interface
by using the unpacked source code
<?php include_once('apiclient.php');
or from Phar Archive (phar archive unfortunately not available, yet):
<?php include_once('phar://idoit-api-client.phar/apiclient.php');
a) Initialize the Api Client and create a connection instance without username / password
With this method, you'll be authenticated as a default api user. All created objects will be owned by this system user then.
<?php $apiClient = new idoit\Api\Client( new idoit\Api\Connection( '', 'c1ia5q' // i-doit api entrypoint url apikey ) );
b) or initialize the Api Client with username and password authentication
Since i-doit 1.4 and api client Version 1.0.2, you are able to authenticate yourself with your username and password. All api actions will be performed under that user then.
<?php $apiClient = new idoit\Api\Client( new idoit\Api\Connection( '', 'c1ia5q', 'admin', 'admin' // i-doit api entrypoint url apikey user pass ) );
Send a request with your apiclient Instance
<?php $request = new \idoit\Api\Request( $apiClient, // Instance of idoit\Api\Client \idoit\Api\Methods::IdoitVersion // API Method (String), e.g. "idoit.version" );
Call a function provided by the api libray, get object ID by a specific title in this case
<?php $objectApi = new idoit\Api\CMDB\Object($apiClient); $objectID = $objectApi->getIdByTitle( 'ACC', // object title 'C__OBJTYPE__SERVER' // object type constant );
Hint: The object type constant can also be viewed from the i-doit gui under "Administration -> CMDB Settings -> Object type configuration". Then select the object type you would like to know the constant of.
Create a new object using the api library
<?php $objectApi = new idoit\Api\CMDB\Object($apiClient); $objectID = $objectApi->createObject( 'CONTRACT01', // object title 'C__OBJTYPE__MAINTENANCE' // object type constant );
Call a function using the direct programming interface
You can get a list of all the data attributes for each category with the following url: http://your-i-doit-host/?load=api_properties
<?php $objectApi = new idoit\Api\CMDB\Object($apiClient); $objectID = $objectApi->getIdByTitle('CONTRACT01', idoit\Api\CMDB\ObjectTypeConstants::TYPE_MAINTENANCE); if (!$objectID) throw new Exception('Object with Name CONTRACT01 was not found :-(') $categoryData = new \idoit\Api\CMDB\Category\S\Contract(); $categoryData->setData( array( 'type' => '', 'contract_no' => 'text', 'customer_no' => 'text', 'internal_no' => 'text', 'costs' => 'double', 'product' => 'text', 'reaction_rate' => '', 'contract_status' => '', 'start_date' => '01.01.1999', 'end_date' => '01.01.2015', 'run_time' => '', 'run_time_unit' => '', 'next_contract_end_date' => '01.01.2015', 'end_type' => '', 'next_notice_end_date' => '01.01.2015', 'notice_date' => '01.01.2015', 'notice_period' => '', 'notice_period_unit' => '', 'notice_type' => '', 'maintenance_period' => '', 'maintenance_period_unit' => '', 'payment_period' => '', 'description' => 'test description' ) )->setDescription('oh that was wrong, better change description to this!'); // Add a new Contract Category entry to object with ID $objectID of name 'CONTRACT01' print_r( $l_category->add($objectID, $categoryData) );
See examples/ for usage examples.