'ReasonerInternalException: bad allocation' Error

Issue #47 on hold
Dmitry Tsarkov repo owner created an issue

Original [issue 47](https://code.google.com/p/factplusplus/issues/detail?id=47) created by dtsarkov on 2012-03-09T17:04:16.000Z:

Hi. I am running Protege 4.1 on a Windows xp machine, and am getting a 'ReasonerInternalException: bad allocation' error when I try to run FACT++. From reading other posts, this seems to mean that FACT does not have enough memory to run? My ontology is ~ 2000 classes, built from ~ 10 different files thta import each other, and is rich in axiomitization, including many equivalent classes.

Any suggestions to fix this problem? Is there any way to allocate more memory to FACT so it can classify my ontology?


Matt brushm@ohsu.edu

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