reasoner.getObjectPropertyRelationships(Individual) Takes too long to converge

Issue #49 wontfix
Dmitry Tsarkov repo owner created an issue

Original [issue 49]( created by dtsarkov on 2012-04-20T14:23:57.000Z:


The problem I am having is an old one as I am using FaCT++ You most likely know why this is happening, please help me.

I am using OWL-API v.2 and I am building my Ontology with Protege 4.0. I know that FaCT++ is an old version but I would like to know what is my best options from here as I already spend a long time developing my Ontology and Code.

The problem happens when I try to get an Individual's Object or Data properties from the reasoner. For example:

Map<OWLObjectProperty, Set<OWLIndividual>> objectProp = reasoner.getObjectPropertyRelationships(Individual)

It converges but it takes around 2 minutes for each Individual. For the final conversion to happen it took 3 hours.

Classifying only taken 30 seconds.

What might be causing the problem? How can I stop it?

It would be great to solve the problem, or at least know what is happening, and keep working with OWL-API v.2.

I tried Hermit, but Hermit 1.1 does not allow Object and Data property hierarchies. My ontology have Object and Data property hierarchies.

Thanks for all your thoughts,

Kind regards,


Comments (1)

  1. Dmitry Tsarkov reporter

    Comment [#1]( originally posted by dtsarkov on 2012-05-10T16:57:48.000Z:


    This is a known issue: it's much harder to get related individuals than the superclasses, as in case of classification some clever traversing could save a lot of efforts. There is no such option for related individuals, especially if the property is non-simple. The situation is slightly better in the new version of FaCT++ but nothing incredibly fast.

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