OWL API reasoner interface lacks getDataPropertyValues()

Issue #55 new
Dmitry Tsarkov repo owner created an issue

Original issue 55 created by dtsarkov on 2013-04-17T09:27:42.000Z:

I know that FaCT++ has only limited datatype support. Accessing the reasoner by the OWL API v3.4 and v3.2 I tried to use getDataPropertyValues() which should return a set of values corresponding to the individual and a given data property. FaCT++ always returns an empty set.

Now I've seen that getDataPropertyValues() is marked as TODO: http://code.google.com/p/factplusplus/source/browse/trunk/FaCT%2B%2B.OWLAPIv3/src/uk/ac/manchester/cs/factplusplus/owlapiv3/FaCTPlusPlusReasoner.java# 608

As for example adding a second value to a functional data property leads to an inconsistency, FaCT++ seems to be aware of the value. So I guess the "missing part" is essentially the wrapping up into an OWLLiteral?

Anyway: Thanks for the great FaCT++ reasoner!

Comments (1)

  1. wrobell

    It seems it is still not possible to obtain a value of data property. On the implementation side, this should be something similar to getRoleFillers method?

    While this is missing, should an application cache the values on its own? Dmitry, would you have any thoughts on this topic?

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