DatabaseError: used with asynchronous query

Issue #2 new
Brock Haywood created an issue

I'm experiencing reproducible but seemingly random crashes using gevent (1.0.1) and psycogreen (psycogreen==1.0) with Django (1.8). I can reproduce this in a very simple Django with just one view which loads all models and does a count on them.

The view will crash with the following error: ProgrammingError: close cannot be used while an asynchronous query is underway

This occurs when if I make several concurrent requests to the view above by curl'ing it in a tight loop from two bash terminals to simulate load.

Any thoughts on this?

Comments (8)

  1. Daniele Varrazzo repo owner

    Can you provide a project and a requirements.txt file to make easier to test the issue? Thank you.

  2. Daniele Varrazzo repo owner

    I'm out of town and won't be available to work on it for a few days. I'll check about the issue starting from next week.

  3. Daniele Varrazzo repo owner

    Sorry for the delay: I've given it a spin but for the moment couldn't reproduce the issue.

    As data I've created 10K contexts and 10K events. I'm running " runserver" which I don't think is really concurrent. Is there anything obviously different from your setup?

  4. Victor Gavro

    I have same exceptions on gevent==1.0.2,sqlalchemy==1.0.8, psycopg2==2.6.1, postgresql 9.4.3. Actually it's rare for me (it happens one time in couple days on continually running daemon with simultaneously 10-30 db connections). I'll ty to update related libraries, if it would not help - try to make reproducable test and post it here, if this continues to happen.

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