can't import CSVs

Issue #12 resolved
Jon Lee created an issue

i can import sample.csv but no other csvs i create will work.

i'm using sublime text editor on mac and trying different encodings.

i've tried your sample, saving it as test.csv in sublime with UTF-8 or ISO Windows encoding with no luck.

User ID,Display Name,Email Address,City,Country
a0d3d8b0,Mark E. Smith,,Salford,England
b4a70b19,Martin Bramah,,Manchester,England
61ac5d9c,Una Baines,,Manchester,England
619cf160,Tony Friel,,Birkenhead,England

it says 0 users imported and view data shows a weird output where there are no rows but the column headers are named after the actual data values.

attached the file i've been trying.

Comments (4)

  1. David Simpson repo owner

    All the CSV file is there, but imported into PII Viewer on a single line.

    If I save the file you attached, I notice that it has carriage return rather than line feed return characters. If I replace these with line feed return characters, the file is imported successfully.

    This looks like you should save with line feed instead. I'll also add a new issue to support carriage returns.

  2. David Simpson repo owner

    OK, looks like I have a bugfix for this. See v0.0.10 which should automatically update.

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