Unable to view display fields in GA

Issue #3 resolved
Corne Mouton created an issue

Hi, when I imported my data again today, I was unable to view the fields that was selected. I can see a span being injected, but it's empty.

Did GA perhaps made some changes that broke your plugin, or am I the only one experiencing this ?

Thanks for your work, it's been a great help.

PS: I saw another ticket was logged in regards with it not importing on Chrome. I'm using Chrome on Windows and also getting the "Error: File type not supported -" with no error code. A colleague was able to import the same data file on Chrome on Mac though.

Comments (2)

  1. David Simpson repo owner

    Hi Corne

    Bizarrely, I've only found this today :(

    Can you take another look? There was a problem when GA updated their HTML, but I fixed that a while back.

    Re: PS -- I've seen this before, but need to add more data collection information so I can catch more details (I send all errors captured to Google Analytics)

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