LOCKITO Route freezes after some distance.

Issue #11 new
mario ello created an issue

Hi reader, having issues with Lockito its freezes after some distance done in the route it stays at freezed location and dose not move until I stop and play the route again that way the route starts from start witch is very annoying. And at freezed time cercle is fleshing around location point. Also fills like if the phone not pointed on direction of the route it glitches. Maybe some of you guys got this issue and can help me with fixing it can be my mistake can't tell any help will be appreciated thanks in regard.

Comments (1)

  1. Damien Villeneuve


    It seems like Lockito suffers from Doze or Standby mode.

    Can you try again after following the instructions from this website ? https://dontkillmyapp.com/

    Also can you tell me what device you’re using and on which version of Android it’s running ?

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