Action Menu Blocked in Hidden Labels in Fordson Theme

Issue #100 new
Ben Kahn created an issue

Note: I see Fordson is not on the list of supported themes but thought this was worth reporting anyway.

When using Fordson, if you have a hidden label, and click the Edit menu (for example, to set it to Show) the menu goes behind the highlight/background for the item below it, and so you can't click all the menu items.

  • To observe this behavior the page must be reloaded after hiding or moving an item.  If you move the the label, to a different location, then the menu works fine and the issue does not present until you refreshed the screen again.   
  • The "hidden from students" message and edit menu are more dimmed than other hidden items, and the label has a ."format-tiles .label.dimmed" class set with reduced opacity that other hidden items do not.

Steps to Replicate/Observe

  1. Use Fordson theme and Tiles format in a course
  2. Turn Editing On
  3. Create a label and hide it
  4. Create other modules next to the label
  5. Hide the label
  6. Attempt to edit the label again to set to show

It’s confirmed that adding some custom CSS to increase opacity resolves the issue.

.format-tiles .label.dimmed {
       opacity: 1;

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