Hyperlink text is moved to the front of the text line when using the Tiles course format

Issue #118 resolved
Paul.Vella created an issue

When using hyperlinks in a label resource, the hyperlinks are moved to the front of the line the link resides on, and can only be seen in the Tiles course format, as other course formats display the hyperlink in the correct position (where it was originally positioned).

The attached image ‘tiles_format_before.png’ shows the content as originally added to the activity/resource. I have used a label in my testing.

The attached image ‘tiles_format_after.png’ shows the content as this displays for students.

I have tested this in the Boost and Classis themes, and the hyperlink displays in the correct position. This is affecting the Open LMS SNAP theme when using tiles format.

Comments (4)

  1. David Watson repo owner

    @Paul.Vella the CSS causing this seems to be coming from the Snap theme itself - the developers have added some Tiles specific styles including this one

    Please would you raise it with them? I believe that the issue is with this line: https://github.com/open-lms-open-source/moodle-theme_snap/blob/253776c4d292e32eab0ad28e09e4399af20aae61/scss/_plugins.scss#L1040 I.e. this line is applying display:block to the <a> element

    Until such time as the developers address it, you could add a temporary style as a site administrator to the Tiles plugin settings. I.e. in your environment, go to /admin/settings.php?section=formatsettingtiles#tab-other and, in the “Custom CSS” box, add this:

    #page-course-view-tiles .course-content ul.section.nosubtiles li.activity.modtype_label .mod-indent-outer a:first-of-type {display: inline;}

  2. Paul.Vella reporter

    Hi David,

    Thank you for getting back to me.

    I will add this to our internal ticket so our developers can make the adjustments.

    Appreciate you getting back to me.

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