Background photo dimensions - conflicting documentation

Issue #119 new
Harri Holappa created an issue

In /course/format/tiles/editimage.php?courseid=XXXXX&sectionid=YYYYYY, you can upload a background photo for a tile. There is a guidance text that states “Upload a photo in landscape format. The width should be about 1.35 times the height. E.g. 270 width x 200 height would fit well. You need not be exact.”

But then if you upload a picture with dimensions 270 width x 200 height and click “Save changes”, your browser returns to the course page and a notification text is shown that states: “The uploaded image has been saved, but please check, as it may be too tall for the tile. If it doesn't look right, please crop it to standard landscape dimensions and upload again. E.g. 300 wide x 200 high would fit.”

I noticed that if you upload a picture with dimensions 290 width x 200 height there is a notification text “Image saved for tile 'Tile 1'“. In our Moodle theme this message has a text box with green background whereas the earlier message has a text boxt with red background.

290 / 200 = 1.45 (not 1.35). Is there a typo in the guidance text? Or is the “width 1.35 times the height” rule correct, and the green-background notification text is incorrectly coded to appear with wrong kind of images?

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