Completion status toggle broken

Issue #13 resolved
Jeremy Virgo created an issue


A pretty weird bug has cropped up for us.

We can’t manually toggle completion.

When you hover over the Course Completion toggle, the text “Click to toggle completion status” appears behind the open tile, and causes the page to expand with a horizontal scrollbar.

This happens only with the first two columns of activity tiles, and the text queues up above the parent tile.

Any thoughts about what we can do to fix this?

Comments (2)

  1. David Watson repo owner

    HI Jeremy I’d like to help on this but I can’t replicate the issue at this end. I wonder if you could give me temporary access to a test environment or something. I sent you my email address via a personal message on (I didn’t want to post my email here as it makes it more visible for the spam bots)

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