Glossary opens multiple windows

Issue #153 resolved
Jules ROUAULT created an issue

We have set up an interactive glossary with about 30 terms, so far so good...
The problem is that when you click on a term on the course page, Moodle will open between 1 and 10 windows of that term.

What usually happens:

  • When arriving on the course, then opening a section and clicking on a term: 2 windows open
  • By staying on this section, 2 windows open systematically
  • By changing section, 3 windows will open
  • By changing again of section, 4 windows will open
  • And so on...

A video demonstration is available in annex

Comments (6)

  1. David Watson repo owner

    Thanks for the report Jules. I included something to address this in the latest release for Moodle 4.2, which should also be compatible with Moodle 4.1. (I will mark it as compatible on shortly)

  2. Sascha Wagner

    We have the same problem. With Moodle 4.1 the bug is still there.

    Is it planned to fix the bug for version 4.1 as well or is it possible to run version (2023060200) on Moodle 4.1 without any problems as described in the first post?

  3. David Watson repo owner

    Sascha the plan is to roll out the current 4.3 Beta to 4.1 and 4.2 in coming weeks, which includes this fix. However it is not yet compatible with 4.1. I put more explanation at the top of the plugin page on

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