Scrollbar doesn't work

Issue #155 resolved
Frans Zwijnenberg created an issue

Moodle version 4.1.3 (build: 20230424)
Plugin version: 2023022800
PHP version: 7.4.3

When a tiles has more activities in it than will fit on the screen the scrolbar at the rightside of the screen doesn’t work.
You need to use a scrolweel within the tile (the white area in the screenshot tiles1) to scroll to the bottom. (screenshot tiles2)

Can this be fixed?

Comments (5)

  1. David Watson repo owner

    Hi Frans apologies for the long delay on this. Can you try this for me please? Here is some CSS:

    .format-tiles.path-course-view #page {overflow-y: visible;}

    As site admin can you go to Site Admin > Plugins > Course formats > Tiles format > Settings > Other and enter the above into the “custom CSS” box? This will apply this CSS to tiles courses only. Does it help? (the URL for the page for this is /admin/settings.php?section=formatsettingtiles#tab-other)

    In the next release I am planning to add this to the code so that a custom setting won’t be needed but interested to hear if this works for you.

  2. David Watson repo owner

    The latest 4.3 Beta on now contains the fix and this is planned to be rolled out to 4.1 and 4.2 in the next few weeks

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