Edit activity menu

Issue #190 closed
Peter Jonker created an issue

Hi David, first of all thanks a lot for your work on the amazing Tiles plugin and the 4.3 update.
I tested this and it works like a charm.
I found one thing in the menu on ‘Edit activity’.
You can move over the options with your mouse to reach options like ‘Edit settings’ and ‘Move’.
When you reach ‘Availability’ a new menu pops up to choose from.
That is positioned in a way so you can not move further down to go to ‘Duplicate’.
In standard Moodle ‘Topics’ format that extra menu shows a little bit to the left so you can continue down.
The workaround to reach ‘Duplicate’ is to move your mouse along the right side and approach it from the bottom but that is not very intuitive.

Thanks for looking into this!
Peter Jonker
Avetica Moodle Partner Netherlands

Comments (3)

  1. David Watson repo owner

    Hi Peter thanks for taking the time to report and for your comments!

    By coincidence, I actually just posted the fix for this one into today’s Beta release on moodle.org, as it was raised earlier under issue #188. Please let me know if this doesn't work for you but hopefully that's it

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