Files are previsualized even if "Force download" is selected when using subtiles

Issue #25 resolved
Iñigo Zendegi Urzelai created an issue

When using the tiles format with the subtiles setting enabled, it seems that the file display setting isn’t considered, because when a file is configured to “Force download“ it’s been previsualized.

We’re using the last version of the plugin ( on Moodle 3.7.2

Comments (6)

  1. Iñigo Zendegi Urzelai reporter

    Hi again,

    We’ve detected that, while navigating on a mobile browser, when clicking on a PDF file on a course with tiles format the file isn’t previsualized and Moodle throws this error:

    Error code: filenotfound

    • line 494 of /lib/setuplib.php: moodle_exception thrown
    • line 2074 of /lib/filelib.php: call to print_error()
    • line 4953 of /lib/filelib.php: call to send_file_not_found()
    • line 44 of /pluginfile.php: call to file_pluginfile()

    This happens whatever the display setting of the file is, so I think it can be related to this issue (if it’s not tell me and I’ll open another issue).

    We’re using the last version of the plugin ( on Moodle 3.7.4

  2. David Watson repo owner

    Are you using the latest version of the plugin? Please upgrade if not, as there was a fix included in one of the most recent releases which may help with this

  3. David Watson repo owner

    Hi Iñigo apologies it has been a while on this. Is it still an issue?

    It’s a mystery as it sounds exactly like something that was fixed before. When you get this error, can you tell me what the URL is in the device address bar? I assume there is an error of some kind in that URL. If it detects a mobile device, the plugin should direct the user to the pluginfile URL, so that they can view the file natively in their device, rather than trying to embed it.

    Also a long shot - could your upgrade have been incomplete? Are you sure the files on your server are the latest versions in all cases?

  4. Iñigo Zendegi Urzelai reporter


    The reason of the mystery maybe was that there was a newer version available here and i was using the one at

    Anyway, recently we’ve upgraded to Moodle 3.9 and this issue isn’t affecting us any more, so I will close the issue.


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