URL variable are not being passed

Issue #28 resolved
Chris Swinney created an issue

We use URLs that is displayed as “embedded” in a page, and URL variables appended to the URL. However, when viewed in Tiles, the variables are not being appended, therefore the page is not rendered properly. Even if you click the alternative view, the variables are still not appended.

Comments (9)

  1. Chris Swinney Account Deactivated reporter

    This is v 3.8 of Moodle and Tiles is (RC)

    URL (Display: Embed) - is checked

  2. Chris Swinney Account Deactivated reporter

    FWIW, this is still broken in Moodle v3.8.2 and Tile Format v3.7.0.16 (RC)

    I’m not sure if this is an issue with this format or Moodle, however when changing course formats, URL link behave as required.

    I raise a bug via the Moodle tracker at https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-68856

  3. David Watson repo owner

    Hi Chris apologies that it has taken some time to get to this.

    I am unable to replicate the issue. Tiles differs from other formats in that by default it launches the external URL in a modal window if ‘embed’ is selected. Perhaps this is not compatible with your particular URL. Did you try other URLs?

    If you wish to deactivate this feature you can under Site Admin > Plugins > Course Formats > Tiles > Modal Windows > Modal Resources and uncheck the URL box

  4. Andre Gallant

    Hi David,

    This issue is ongoing… we also use Tile format on our Moodle 3.9.1, and can’t send URL variables with Embed, nor with New Window or Pop-up… The only way the variables are sent is with Open, which is not how we wish to do it. If this could be re-examined I’d appreciate it. It’d be great to have it resolved.

  5. Dave Musicant

    I’m having this same problem; this bug definitely hasn’t been resolved. When using Tiles, I can’t send URL variables with Embed, New Window, or Automatic (the three options available to me at my site).

  6. David Watson repo owner

    Hi please would you retest with latest version and see if this still applies? I hope it will work now. There is some code which checks for YouTube and Vimeo URLs to change them into embed format, and it may have been this. If not, please can you provide an example of a malfunctioning URL?

  7. Dave Musicant

    I just tried it with our current Moodle site (3.11), and as far as I can tell, it is fixed. Thank you!

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