Links do not have discernible text, repeating announcement of "view.php" as link in every tile

Issue #34 new
Corrine Schoeb created an issue

I’m using VoiceOver on a mac and hearing “view.php” in each tile

I am thinking if the “clickable-region” link could be moved into the “instancename” div and link tag is moved to wrap around the “instancename” div the problem could be solved and would improve accessibility and usability.

<li class="activity subtile  folder modtype_folder  launch-tiles-standard  completeonmanual" id="module-400756" data-modtype="folder" tabindex="3" data-cmid="400756" data-modinstance="19531" data-title="Cultural Diversity">
                        <div class="subtile_inner" id="yui_3_17_2_1_1588859967658_42">
                            <div class="activityinstance" id="yui_3_17_2_1_1588859967658_41">
                                        <div class="activitytype" id="yui_3_17_2_1_1588859967658_40">Folder</div>
                                            <div class="instancename" data-action="launch-tiles-standard">
                                                        <h4 class="activitytitle">
                                                            <a class=" completeonmanual" href="">Cultural Diversity</a>
                                            <a class="clickable-region" href="" data-action="launch-tiles-standard"></a>                    
                                    <div class="contentafterlink">
                        <span class="actions">

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