New colors

Issue #38 new
Felipe Raimo created an issue

Hi David,

A small suggestion to allow more entries for new colors in addition to the six existing colors in the course context settings šŸ˜‡

I used new entries manually in: tiles/setting.php

$brandcolourdefaults = array(
  //new colors
  '#FFF738' => get_string('colouryellow', 'format_tiles'),
  '#FFFFFF' => get_string('colourwhite', 'format_tiles'),
  '#A7ABA9' => get_string('colourgray', 'format_tiles'),
  '#DB67BC' => get_string('colourrose', 'format_tiles'),

And other new entries manually in: tiles/lang/en/format_tiles.php

//new colors
$string['colouryellow'] = 'Yellow';
$string['colourwhite'] = 'White';
$string['colourgray'] = 'Gray';
$string['colourrose'] = 'Rose';

A new option to insert new colors after the standard color pickers in: /admin/settings.php?section=formatsettingtiles it would be perfect for us!

Thanks for the great plugin!

Felipe Raimo

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