3.9 Activity chooser

Issue #39 resolved
Richard Oelmann created an issue

When selecting a new activity in a tiled section, eg a forum, that activity appears to be set in a new tile at the bottom of the page.

Comments (33)

  1. Víctor Alfonso Vargas Fonseca

    Hi Richard, I have the same problem. Did you fix it? It happened to me after I upgraded to Moodle 3.9


  2. David Watson repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Thanks for the report.

    I have managed to replicate this. The activity chooser has changed and as a result, it seems that tiles is confused as between section id and section number in 3.9. Should not be too tricky to fix. Will come back to it in the next few days

  3. Richard Oelmann reporter

    Great thanks David - I did have a look last night but hadn’t got as far as a fix yet and you’ll probably have it sorted before I get chance to come back to it :)

  4. Heena Agheda

    hi David, Is there any plan to fix tests cases for 3.9? I am using PHP 7.4 and pgsql 10.13
    There were 7 errors and 4 failures.
    Thank you

  5. Nadav Kavalerchik

    We are also using your beautiful tiles course format, and after upgrading to Moodle 3.9 we are experiencing similar issues.

    Looking forward for a quick fix 🙂

  6. David Watson repo owner

    I have found the cause of the bug and the fix is coming. @Heena yes I do plan to fix test cases in the next few weeks

  7. Misael Bandeira Silveira

    Warning! When copy a course into a new, after insert someware activities, the moodle core enter in loop and can way insert many thousends of sections in database (this depends of size the database of the application). This abnormal behavior consume all RAM resource and consenquentely crash server.

    Dont't use the tiles in Moodle 39 before the oficial fix and release for this version.

    From Brazil,
    Misael Bandeira Silveira.

  8. Manuel Mohedano

    Hello, all… We have changed line 469 in classess/output/course_output.php.

    'secid' => $section->section;

    (instead of ‘secid’=>$section->id) and looks it’s now working fine. We’are trying backups, restores, copies, moving sections, etc. and we haven't found errors still.

  9. Jaime Shapiro

    I am having same issue as Missael Bandeira. Has anyone find a fix to it. It is ruining many courses.

  10. David Watson repo owner

    I am going to push up a change to Bitbucket (I hope tomorrow) on this. (It won’t be the fix proposed by Manuel). Once I’ve done that, we'll need to take some additional time for testing. Assuming that goes well, it can then be released to moodle.org as a Moodle 3.9 compatible version

  11. David Watson repo owner

    Hi all I have created a new ‘Moodle 3.9 only’ branch for now which is here: https://bitbucket.org/dw8/moodle-format_tiles/branch/moodle39

    I have run the automated tests on this code in Moodle 3.9. With a few adjustments, all tests are all passing. The coverage is by no means complete but it’s better than nothing. I welcome any feedback if you spot issues during testing.

    In the coming days I will post this to moodle.org as a 3.9 only beta

  12. Misael Bandeira Silveira

    Hi, @Jaime Shapiro !

    Can you post your feedback about the related issue after release update today?

    Thank you, David! 🙂

  13. Jaime Shapiro

    I am sorry to tell you I just had a multiplication incident again. I can't say that it was todays, but I received the complaint today.
    In general is working good.

    I need help to try to delete those 800,000 tiles. I need to try to save the teachers work. Can anyone tell me if it is possible to delete them from the database or somehow outside the course?

    Please help me!

  14. Misael Bandeira Silveira

    Hi @Jaime Shapiro .

    To identify courses with problem, try the follow query:

      mdl_course_sections mcs
      count(mcs.course)> 60 
      -- in our college, this the maximum number of 
      --sections allowed for the courses

    After, verify the normal number sections with the follow query and drop the exceding sections:

        mdl_course_sections mcs
        mcs.course =  27044 -- id of the course crashed
    LIMIT 100

  15. Misael Bandeira Silveira

    @Jaime Shapiro look the table of logs. You can search the actions with userid of teacher and courseid. The date of events help you to identify when the course crashed.

  16. Jaime Shapiro

    Thanks a lot!! @Misael Bandeira Silveira

    i which table do i delete the sections?
    I was able to locate the courses in the database.

    This is what I tried:

    delete from c1t7_course_sections where course = 567 and section > 11;

    But the tiles are still being shown.

    Thanks again!

  17. Misael Bandeira Silveira

    @Jaime Shapiro did you clear your caches?

    In my test server, I did fix the problem with the SQL:

    DELETE FROM mdl_course_sections mcs 
    WHERE mcs.name IS NULL 
      AND mcs.course = 27044

    I belive what your approach is correct too.

  18. Tristan daCosta

    There are two issues being discussed in this thread:

    1. The original issue Richard posted, regarding the activity chooser
    2. The import problem with hundreds of thousands of sections being added

    Althought the original bug #1 may be resolved, #2 isn’t.

    The latter is the larger problem of the two. I looked here and throught the import problem was resolved as this bug was marked as ‘resolved’ in the 3.9 beta version. However, it is not resolved and continues in the 3.9 beta version. Although I was unable to replicate the problem during testing, it has now occurred on our live site (1,082,485 sections in our case x 2 courses).

    I would advise anyone on Moodle 3.9 to disable this format immediately or face the consequences. I will start a new dedicated bug for the ‘Import’ issue. It’s a very MAJOR bug.

  19. Natalia Gomez

    Hello, I installed the Beta version on 08/24/2020 and it keeps giving me the error reported by Richard Oelmann. I create a new activity in a Topic / Section and create a new tile. Attached capture.

    I created a new folder in "Tema 3" and created "Mosaico 59" with the new folder.

  20. David Watson repo owner

    The latest Moodle 3.9 version of the plugin on moodle.org will now, as well as preventing the creation of these new sections, detect any such sections which have already been created, and will prompt an editing user to delete them (as below). You do not want these sections in your courses as they will cause issues.

    (Natalia’s issue was a local set up issue, unrelated to Tiles, and is now resolved.)

  21. David Watson repo owner

    The latest version of the plugin (for Moodle 3.9) now also includes an experimental tool to help you find and delete any excess sections site wide. You can access the tool Under Site Administration > Plugins > Course formats > Tiles format > Other > Problem courses

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