Emphasise headings with a coloured tab doesn't work

Issue #58 new
Jari Vilkman created an issue

Emphasise headings with a coloured tab doesn't seem to work.

Steps to repeat

  1. Check that you are using ATTO-text editor (default text editor for Moodle)
  2. Create Label -
  3. Write ABC -> select text -> select heading size e.g. XX-Large
  4. Save
  5. Check course settings
  6. Confirm that "Emphasise headings with coloured tab" is on
  7. Check tile and notice that ABC doesn't have a coloured tab.

Comments (2)

  1. Jari Vilkman reporter

    If I manually change HTML code to <h1>ABC</h1> tab highlighting work but obviously it should work with ATTO text editor type of styling headers

    <span class="" style="font-size: xx-large;">ABC</span>

    because ATTO is Moodle default text editor and normal users don’t know how to use HTML code.

  2. David Watson repo owner

    @Jari Vilkman apologies for the long delay on this.

    The coloured tab should appear if the user uses the core “Paragraph styles” control (marked with an 'A' top left in the image below). I believe that you may instead be applying a style there using an Atto plugin https://moodle.org/plugins/atto_fontsize, which would not be supported with this feature.

    As a workaround you could add your own custom CSS to the plugin using the setting at Site Administration > Plugins > Course Formats > Tiles > Other > Custom CSS. In that box you could add your own CSS to apply the style used for the coloured tab i.e. .border-left-color: red; border-left-style: solid; padding-left: 0.4em; border-left-width: 10px;

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