Session storage and switching roles

Issue #69 resolved
Tristan daCosta created an issue

When a Teacher switches role to ‘student’ (or any other role with different permissions), it would ideal if we could clear the stored page and tile content cache.

Currently, a ‘Teacher’ view of the tile content will be cached (including ‘hidden’ items), and when switching role to ‘Student’ to see what it looks like, the cached ‘Teacher’ view of the page is served, which is confusing. Once the cache expires the they are served a fresh copy of the content from the server and everything is fine. This confuses teaching staff as content appears to change at random.

Switching back to ‘Teacher’ role ('Return to my normal role') can then have the opposite affect. A cached student version of the page content is served and the Teacher can’t see hidden items or some ‘edit’ functionality.


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