image uploading, image size guidance info inaccurate

Issue #74 resolved
PJR created an issue


uploading images to tiles format gives strange notification about image size, the image size guidance info in the image uploading page does not seem accurate.

If I upload that has recommend size (270 width x 200 height) and safe it, I get notification:

”The uploaded image has been saved, but please check, as it may be too tall for the tile. If it doesn't look right, please crop it to standard landscape dimensions and upload again. E.g. 200 wide x 300 high would fit. Back”

200 x 300 px works as bad because it’s even higher, so that is probably a typo(?) and should be 300 x 200 px instead, that does not get warning about size.

Should actual size recommendation be closer to 3:2 so 1.5 times the height because that seems to work better?

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