Customize format tiles

Issue #8 resolved
Nolberto Valencia created an issue

Before starting I want to make an observation that the project that is personally directing is one of the most complete I have seen. I have a doubt in the customization of the format. The format works on the basis of the theme that is configured for the course, I would like to customize the format to the point of changing the subject that is defined for the course but without having to touch the theme of moodle.

Comments (3)

  1. David Watson repo owner

    Hi since the format only prints the centre section of the page, with the top section coming from the theme, I'm not aware of a generic way to stop the page header being printed from within the format. There may be something within your specific theme you could call from the format to stop the header (e.g. I thought maybe you could use $PAGE->set_pagelayout('...') to use a header-less layout but actually I don't think this would work).

    If changing the theme is not an option, could you instead allow the header to be printed, but use CSS within the format to hide it from users? Then you could then print your own customised header from within the format?

    This is not elegant, but maybe it would help you get around the problem. I.e. you could amend these two files in the format:

    • amend styles.css to hide the header. e.g. if your theme is based on Boost, include something like .format-tiles #page-header {display: none;}

    • then add your customised HTML for the header to the top of templates/multi_section_page.mustache

    Does that answer the question? If I misunderstood, let me know. Puedes respondar en Español si prefieres.

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