HR on BigTime watchface lags behind physical watch HR

Issue #101 new
Don created an issue


Using Vivoactive 3 with Samsung Galaxy 8+

I notice that the HR on the BigTime watch face lags up to 5 seconds behind the HR in Garmin Connect which directly matches the watch if I scroll to the HR screen.

It seems like the Watchface code isn’t reading the continuous HR from the watch, but is reading an average based on reading the watch every minute not every second?

Garmin Connect v 4.1.11 Vivoactive 3 SW v 2.90


Comments (1)

  1. rupert hawkes repo owner

    This is by design. Garmin limit parts of the device to different tyres of apps. For example widgets have different access to watch faces. This is to help with battery life. The HR widget has access to the real time Activity data whereas watchfaces don’t, they can however access activity history. So that’s how all Watch faces show HR info. This is not a limitation of BigTime but how Garmin designed their hardware/software.

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