Seconds indication doesn't show second count

Issue #18 closed
Former user created an issue

The seconds indication on the Big Time watch face doesn't show counting of the seconds. It sometimes shows them for a few seconds and then it defaults to two squares (see attachment). This observation was made on the vivoactive using the latest software version of 3.30.

Comments (3)

  1. rupert hawkes repo owner

    This is the correct behaviour. Garmin cleverly designed the watch to work this way. There are two CPUs in the watch, a low power mode one and a high power mode one. The low power mode doesn't refresh the display every second so the battery life is maximised (I get 13.5 days out of my 920 before it needs a charge). When the arm is lifted the watch detects the motion and fires up the non low power mode which runs every second. BigTime detects the change and as the watch is now refreshing every second, can update the display to ahow seconds. When the watch flips back into low power mode (after 8 seconds). BigTime reverts the display back to show the squares.

    Clever Garmin. Clever me

    Eh? ;-)

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