Slash Between Current Step Count and Goal

Issue #37 invalid
Former user created an issue

On the latest update the slash between the current step count and the step goal changed into a dash.

For example: * right now, mine is showing 4500 - 7700 when it should be showing 4500 / 7700.

FYI, I'm using a Forerunner 235 on version 3.30. Otherwise, the watch face is still working great for me and is my favorite one for daily use. Thanks so much for all you do to provide us with the awesome app!

Comments (2)

  1. rupert hawkes repo owner

    There is a, now acknowledged by Garmin bug, in the 920 firmware that means some characters are drawn incorrectly. To get round this I had to change, in the short term, the / character to the - character.

    Garmin tell me they are working on a fix and as soon as they release it I'll put the - character back to a /

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