Stopped working

Issue #40 closed
Former user created an issue

I synced with Garmin Express today and the watch face disappeared. Back to default. Tried to reinstall a few times from Garmin Express, but hasn't worked. Any help appreciated.

Comments (5)

  1. rupert hawkes repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Hi, sorry to hear that. it certainly doesn't sound like a problem with the BigTime watchface but with the device. Ensure you have the latest firmware and Garmin connect, reset the watch (see manual) and trying again. If that fails I suggest contacting Garmin. Hope that helps!

  2. rupert hawkes repo owner

    Another user has reported the same thing, they said since updating the the latest Garmin version no watch faces are installing not just BigTime. So that sounds like it's a Garmin issue not a BigTime issue as you said yourself since updating the Garmin software no watch faces are installing. I would check the Garmin forums and raise this issue with Garmin. Sorry

  3. rupert hawkes repo owner

    Could you please try 0.65a and make sure you select the BigTime watchface in the watches settings. Ta

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