Day/Month on watch face is wrong language

Issue #99 resolved
Runbug created an issue

Watch language set to English on Forerunner 235 (running latest firmware). BigTime watch face day/month displayed properly before the last watchface update. But now it's in different language and unable to change it, making watch face unusable.

Comments (17)

  1. rupert hawkes repo owner

    Could you please completely remove BigTime then install again?

    I cannot recreate this issue here on the simulator or on my watch.

  2. Runbug reporter

    Tried completely removing, then reinstalling. At first the day/month appeared fine (with all the installed default settings, and no customization/changes). But after I turned off some icons, changed colors, and customized some other settings, as soon as it went back to displaying the watch face again I noticed it was now again in some other language instead of English. It looked like the language listed right above English if you look at the system language list. Not sure which language that is. I also want to note that of all the other watch faces I've tried or currently have installed, none of them have shown to have this issue. So it's not anything to do with my system settings. Hope this helps! I'd be happy to test it out again for you should you make any changes.

  3. rupert hawkes repo owner

    Do you know how to "side load" an application? If I send you a version of BigTime that you can manually load onto your device via your computer, as opposed to the Garmin App Store do you think you can do it?

  4. rupert hawkes repo owner

    Can you please double check what language the watch is in, is it RUSSIAN?

    Also what it displayed if you set the activity monitor setting to true and set the date to be text?

  5. Runbug reporter

    Great to hear!! I was just going to ask if you had the previous version that worked for me, so I could revert back. But I will give version 1.00.00 a try now....

  6. rupert hawkes repo owner

    I managed to create the problem in the development environment watch simulator, and subsequently fixed it in the simualtor but the real test is on the watch itself!

  7. rupert hawkes repo owner

    Guys, don't forget, if you like BigTime please consider making a donation as don't get paid to develop it. Thanks :-)

  8. Runbug reporter

    Awesome! It worked!! Hopefully the size increase won't slow the 235 down at all. But everything looks great, and my Garmin is happy again! Thank you!

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