
Clone wiki

BigTime / Version History

0.91 - Saturday 16th September 2017

BigTime now runs on watches with the language set to Hebrew, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Slovak, Slovenian, Standard Malay and Thai (see User Guide)

Cosmetic tweaks - Move the no movement bar down a little on round watch faces to ensure the step goal % doesn't overwrite the bar - Make the no movement bar segments wider on VA HR - Make the date larger on the 925, Fenix 5, Fenix 5X, VivoActive 3, D2 Charlie, Approach S60

0.90 - Monday 11th September 2017

Fixed the date layout option (ddmm/mmdd) was the wrong way round - whoops

Reduced memory footprint on all devices

0.89 - Monday 11th September 2017

Fixed the date format option (text/number) was the wrong way round - whoops

Fixed position of the HH/MM separator

Fixed the AM / PM position for the VicoActive HR (and improved the position for all other devices)

Fixed phone connected icon - was showing even when not connected to phone

Fixed the position of the HHMM on the 920XT when in 12 hour mode

Fixed the icon positions for epix plus other devices

Fixed the missing steps icon for 230,235,630,735

VivoActive HR, move data field 3 to the right of the display

Show the heart icon for the instead of BPM label on the VivoActive HR

Reduced memory footprint on all devices (by approx 1kb)

Added step exceeded goal percentage (see user guide)

0.88 - Sunday 10th September 2017

Fixed crash on Forerunner 735!

Reduced memory footprint on all devices (approx 15%)

0.87 - Saturday 9th September 2017

Fixed crashes when changing settings!

Fixed crashes on VivoActive HR!

Remove spurious pixel issue showing after do not disturb icon

If BPM value is invalid show ? instead of 255

Fixed abbreviated day for non English languages

Reduced memory footprint across all devices

0.86 - Wednesday 6th September 2017

Added support for the VivoActive 3, D2 Charlie and Approach® S60

Built with Garmin Connect IQ SDK 2.3.4

Supported languages fixed

Default colour for the 'labels' are now yellow

Cosmetic tweaks (925, Fenix and 5X) - Move steps count up - Move steps bar up - Move inactivity bar up - Increase the date font size (again!) - Lower the time : a tiny bit for better alignment - Lower data fields 1 & 2 for better alignment - Raise the steps info to improve the layout

0.85 - Monday 4th September 2017

Fixed support Fenix Chronos layout!

Cosmetic tweaks (925, Fenix and 5X) - Move seconds down a bit - Increase the seconds font size - Increase the date font size

Cosmetic tweaks (all devices that support heart rate) - Use a nice red heart icon instead of "BPM" label

Cosmetic tweaks (5S) - No step label shown - now using new step icon

Cosmetic tweaks (All devices) - Remove the extra space between the day and date - Use a nice steps icon instead of "ST" lqbel

0.84 - Monday 28th August 2017

Added support for the Fenix 5S

Few cosmetic layout fixes

Built with Garmin Connect IQ SDK 2.3.2

0.83 - Friday 14th April 2017

Added support for the Fenix 5, Fenix 5X and FR935

Added floors climbed and meters climbed (not supported by all devices!)

Added another data field (not all three are supported on all devices due to screen space)

Fixed little white highlight bar not showing on green step bar for lots of devices

Fixed position of data field 2 for the VivoActive HR

0.82 - ?

The "Show/hide do not disturb icon" setting was missing the title in the Garmin app

0.81 - Thursday 5th January 2017

Added icon for Do Not Disturb (and configuration option as per the other icons)


Fixed Italian translation for Dicembre

Fixed German translation for abbreviated January, i.e. "Jan"

Fixed some layout issues for VA HR

0.80 - Sunday 20th November 2016

Added support for Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Swedish

0.79 - Thursday 1st September 2016

Fixed Spanish day abbreviations (was one day out)

Added support for the Chinese, Thai and Japanese versions of the FR920XT

0.78 - Wednesday 31 August 2016

Added support for Fēnix Chronos

0.77 - Wednesday 31 August 2016

Built with latest SDK for latest firmwares

0.76 - Monday 18th July 2016

Added current heart rate and current speed to the data fields options

Month was showing the next month! Fixed :-)

Various minor cosmetic tweaks

0.75 - Saturday 16th July 2016

Added support for the Forerunner 735XT

Added support for the D2 Bravo Titanium

Added support for Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian

Added altitude

Added options to select the two data fields (altitude, calories, distance, off)

Added option to select different colour for hour and minutes

Use the embedded fonts to reduce memory footprint (by 20%) and improve clarity of display

0.74 - Sunday 17th April 2016

Added option to set the steps text colour when the step goal is achieved

0.73a - Saturday 19th March 2016

Use English for day name for all languages

0.73 - Saturday 19th March 2016

Correctly identify the Japanese, Korean, Indian and Thai Fenix 3 HR devices as a Fenix 3 HR!

0.72 - Saturday 19th March 2016

Correctly identify the Korean, Indian and Thai Fenix 3 devices as a Fenix 3!

0.71 - Saturday 19th March 2016

Added support for the vívoactive® HR

Added option to change the battery text colour (use DYNAMIC if you want the battery text colour to match the battery colour)

Added option to show/hide step goal

Added option to 'abbreviate' the step count/goal if > 10k

Added option to show/hide the calorie count

Correctly identify the Japanese, Traditional/Simplified Chinese Fenix 3 devices as a Fenix 3!

Updated for CIQ SDK 1.2.6

Cosmetic changes :

  • Improve the display of the move bar chunks

0.7 - Saturday 12th March 2016

Added options to change colours for :

  • Background

  • Icons

  • Time separator/seconds

  • AM/PM

  • Date

  • Activity text

  • Activity label

Added black, dark blue, dark green, dark red, dark grey and light grey as colour options

Added options to disable each one of the icons

Correctly identify the Indian, Japanese and Thai 235 devices as a 235!

Icon changes :

  • Now stored in font file not bitmaps (reduces memory footprint plus allow icons to be coloured)

  • Tones icon now a speaker

  • Activity icon nicer

  • Moon improved

  • Vibrate icon changed

  • Better alignment on the round and semi-round devices

Cosmetic changes :

  • When the distance is > 10 mi/km show only the integer part, i.e. if it's 10.2 miles show '10 mi'. This is to prevent overlapping with the steps

  • Better alignment of the AM/PM indicator on the round watch faces

  • Always ensure the empty part of the battery is black

0.67 - Sunday 28th February 2016

Cosmetic changes

  • 230, 235 and 630. The steps label wasn't being shown

  • When the step goal or step count is greater then 10,000 show the value as nn.nk, for example 12,345 steps shown as 12.3k. This should prevent the overlap with the distance value

0.66 - Saturday 20 February 2016

Added support for the Fenix HR

Updated for CIQ SDK 1.2.5

Cosmetic changes

  • Align the battery/icons to ensure there is no overlap when battery at 100%

  • Ensure battery info is not drawn off screen on the D2, Fenix 3 and Fenix HR

0.65c - Monday 7th February 2016

Fix day of week display issues for non English languages (i.e. show English version despite the language)

Fix month display issues for non English languages (i.e. show English version despite the language)

0.65b - Sunday 7th February 2016

Blocky font was showing extra spurious line in 12 hour mode. Fixed.

0.65a - Sunday 7th February 2016

Correct the name of the watchface, was showing as "Hide", now correctly shows as "BigTime" - thanks Fifi!

0.65 - Saturday 6th February 2016

Updates for CIQ SDK 1.2.4 (this should fix most if not all of the weird font rendering issues!

Added option for time colour, blue, green, orange, pink. purple, red, white or yellow.

Revert back to showing the / character instead of the - character for the step count divider

Use 32pt font as opposed to 40pt for day/date when activity tracker not shown (in order to be able to squeeze in the longest date string)

Reduced memory footprint

Cosmetic changes

  • On the round watch faces move the distance slightly more to the left to prevent overlap with step count

  • On the round watch faces move the seconds down to match the : separator

  • When showing the date in text format don't show the leading zero on the date if the date < 10 days

0.64 - Sunday 24th January 2016

Sunday was displayed as Sun when activity tracker was not shown

Further attempts at fixing the font rendering issue caused by Garmin

Use existing short day name not long version if language isn't English

0.63 - Saturday 23rd January 2016

Add support for the quatix 3 and Fenix 3 HR watches

Fix for the blocky font issue (blame Garmin not me!)

Workaround for the / step divider character (blame Garmin not me!)

0.62 - Sunday 17th January 2016

Fixes for the font issues!

0.61 - Sunday 17th January 2016

Added new font - Dot

Updates for CIQ SDK 1.2.2

Cosmetic tweaks :

  • PM indicator was touching the last digit of the time in some instances, fixed.

  • The date was sometimes partly drawn off the screen when activity display off, fixed.

  • Minor font adjustments

0.6 - Saturday 12th December 2015

Added support for round face watches D2 Bravo and Fenix

Added 2 new fonts - LED and Outline

Added option to prevent seconds from displaying

Kilo joules calculation was incorrect - fixed

Cosmetic changes :

  • The tiny white edge on battery level wasn't being drawn correctly

  • 230, 235 and 620 - display issue when activity tracker and day name not shown, date was drawn in wrong place

  • Make the "1" character spacing the same width as the other characters

  • Various font tweaks

  • Don't draw the little step movement bar high light if step count not > 0

0.5 - Saturday 28th November 2015

Added support for semi-round face watches 230, 235 & 630!

Activity Tracking changes - please read!

  • Added option to show/hide activity tracker details. This is to allow VivoActive users to switch off the activity tracker info!

  • Added activity tracking mode icon (little running figure). As now it's possible to have activity tracking on but not display the activity tracking info

Added 6th font for big time - Spacey

Added User Guide and Issue Tracker!

Thursday wasn't being displayed when activity tracker info off

Cosmetic changes :

  • Make the 3 look less like an 8 for the funky font
  • Icon tweaks. Moon looks nicer. Moon, alarm, notification narrower

Code optimization

0.4 - Wed 18th November 2015

Added more user configuration

  • Choose from five different fonts for the time display - original, blocky, regular, bold and funky
  • Show kilo calories or kilo joules

Detect if activity tracking mode is off, if is it...

  • do not display distance, kj/kc, steps, movement bars
  • show larger date/day

Removed activity tracker icon

Cosmetic tweaks - Corners of middle dots in original font now slightly rounded

Code optimization

0.3 - Sun 8th November 2015

Added user configuration! At the moment you can configure the following :

  • Month Day or Day Month
  • Numeric or text date format
  • Show day (yes or no)

Added alarm icon! Will show if more than 0 alarms are set

Added notification icon! Will show if more than 0 notifications are present

Added activity icon! Will show if activity tracking is currently enabled

Updates for CIQ SDK 1.2.1

0.25 - Sat 22nd August 2015

Cosmetic changes

  • Battery colour is now green when between 40 - 100%, orange when between 20 - 39% and red when less than 20%
  • Battery level text is also coloured, as above
  • Date now white for easier reading

0.24 - Tue 4th August 2015

Removed kilo joules

0.23 - Sun 2th August 2015

Added kilo joules

0.22 - Wed 29th July 2015

Step counter text displayed in green if goal reached Added subtle (and it is subtle) 3D look to the steps and movement bars Hour/minute separator dots now hollow, thinner and blue

0.21 - Tue 28th July 2015

Battery now has 3D look

0.20 - Mon 27th July 2015

Cosmetic improvements - Fonts cleaner

0.19 - Thu 9th April 2015

Cosmetic improvements

  • Better alignment of icons

Added envelope icon to show unread notifications (NB: Garmin still need to add this functionality for this to show!)

0.18 - Fri 27th March 2015

Display bluetooth icon if connected to a phone - you need to be on 3.07 firmware on the 920 and 2.60 firmware on the vivoactive for this one to work

Battery level indicator incorrectly shows red when about 40% battery, update this so it show red when less than 20%

0.17 - Wed 25th March 2015

Cosmetic changes

  • Use same font and font size for vivoactive, 920 and epix to ensure layout is consistent across the 920, epix and vivoactive.
  • Changed vibrate icon to 'earthquake' symbol and switch places with tones icon.
  • Make icons light blue (let's use the fact that its a colour display!

0.16 - Sun 22nd March 2015

Cosmetic changes

  • Battery indicators bigger
  • Distance, steps and kcal numbers bigger
  • Top 'second' number lower to match the static dots

0.15 - Sun 1st March 2015

Cosmetic changes to simplify look

  • Do not show year
  • Do not show icons when disabled
  • Changed 'miles' to 'mi' (mi is the abbeviation for miles and now matches the two characters 'km' for kilometers)
  • The "/" in the steps count is now light grey
  • Removed the dark grey background of the steps progress bar

0.14 - Sun 22nd Feb 2015

Improvements to seconds display - Seconds display now shown instead of the central ":" when not in low power mode - Seconds font bigger

Cosmetic tweaks - Central ":' and seconds now grey not white - "M" was drawn of screen a little when it was "PM" - fixed.

Tones/vibrate/sleep icons now dark grey when off and white when on. NB: you need to be on the latest 920 beta firmware for the icons and seconds to work

0.13 - Sun 15th Feb 2015

Reduced memory footprint Added seconds display (NB : for the 920 you need to be on the latest firmware - beta 303) Layout /cosmetic tweaks

  • Activity move bar segments weren't equal
  • Activity move bar design better
  • Text right aligned on screen
  • Text spaced horizontally evenly

Date formatting change

AM/PM now blue

Added icons for bluetooth and alarm (ready for when Garmin add to firmware) so not available yet

Tones and vibrate icons working! (NB : Garmin tell me they have fixed this in the next 920 firmware upgrade.)

0.12 - Sat 24th Jan 2015

Show 'AM' and 'PM' in 12 hour mode

Don't show leading 0 in 12 hour mode

Draw the 'positive' end on the battery icon

Date back to blue!

Make the activity bars 1st bar half of the screen (as it represents 1 hour) and the next bars smaller, i.e. an eighth of the screen (as they represent 15 mins)

Make the black lines in the activity bar a bit wider to make it easier to see

Make the tones/vibrate/sleep (and hopefully coming soon) alarm icon invisible if a setting is off and light grey if on (rather than light grey for off and green for on)

0.11 - Tue 20th Jan 2015

Don't show the dark grey background for the movement indicator

Reduce battery indicator size

Move time bottom separator dot up to match top dot

Change the TVS letters to icons

0.10 - Sun 18th Jan 2015

Added little boundary bars to the battery and steps progress bars

Dropped the brightness of some of the data field tags

Date is now whit

Show 'miles' and 'steps' instead of 'mi' and 'st'#### Minor positioning improvements

0.09 - Thu 15th Jan 2015

Show correct distance measurements (miles/km) based on the configuration of the watch.[/B]

Add day of week[/B]

Support 12/24 hour[/B]

0.08 (and below) - Jan 2015

Beta releases
