
EasyPaymentGateway yeBBpk: Untitled snippet

Created by Wesley Acheson
Feature: Client hosted cashier session initialization

  #  Scenario: Tokenizing calls security check
  #    Given tokenize endpoint is started
  #    Given securityCheck endpoint is started
  #    When Tokenize endpoint is called
  #    Then Core should store the token
  Scenario: Merchant fails security check
    Given Merchant with id 1234 and name "Bobs Burgers" is configured to use ip address ""
    When Merchant with id 1234 calls tokenize from ipaddress ""
    Then the tokenize error response is called
  Scenario: Merchant passes client to detokenize url
    Given Merchant with id 1234 and name "Bobs Burgers" is configured to use ip address ""
    And the encrypted data storage endpoint is available
    When Merchant with id 1234 calls tokenize from ipaddress ""
    Then the tokenize error response is called

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