
Issue #123 resolved
Former user created an issue

Trying to rebuild redumps Sega Saturn. It adds some files to the 7z file and then this error massage: "The execution has failed due to the bug in the SevenZipSharp. (code: -2147024882)"

It add 1-5 .bin fils and then the error shows up and it starts the next game. Same again 1-5 .bins and the the error.

Comments (8)

  1. Eric Bole-Feysot repo owner

    -2147024882 code seems related to memory exception. Try to free memories on c: and on the drive where romcenter is installed and try again.

  2. Martin Read


    Thanks for your reply. I'v get about 20GB free on my C drive. The temp folder in Romcenter point to a folder on my E drive that has about 150gb free, and the roms are on my L drive that has just under 8tb free. Iv run it again and can't see any notable use of the drives when Romcenter is runing.

    I unziped the source roms and tryed again.

    I added all the cues to a folder and run fix on this folder to give me a starting point. That i added one more rom path to romcenter that contains the roms in zip file. I run fix on just couple of roms. The first "2do Aru Koto wa Sando R (Japan)" and second "2Tax Gold (Japan)" no problem. But the therd "3D Mission Shooting - Finalist (Japan)" gave me the error again. Romcenter now tells me that all the files that gave me any error now are corrupted. Thay all work fine if I use zip not 7z

  3. Eric Bole-Feysot repo owner

    Hi, yes, the problem comes from the 7z lib I use. Seems to happen (to romcenter but also to other software) with big files. How big are they ?

  4. Martin Read

    The biggest game ziped is about 600 MB. Most games have multiple roms files in one zip file. This rom files can be from 1mb up to nearly 600mb as far as I've seen.

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