Crash on fix roms

Issue #15 on hold
datta created an issue

I started with an old set of MAME 149 zips merged with the updates to 179 and got this error so I unzipped them all to one per folder to eliminate compression as the issue.

There are 9000 or so roms that need fixing. They all say "bad file name" as the problem.

If I select multiple ROMS (more than 20) to fix, it merges some and then dies with an error:

Object Reference not set to an instance of an object. Application will close.

And the app dies.

This happens after several "rom: Merge with otherrom" messages. The bottom task says "Renaming files..."

Unfortunately, it doesn't save the log file for the session when it crashes.

The list is filtered to show only incomplete roms. I also tried it with incomplete and ok roms grouped by info. Same result.

Comments (18)

  1. Eric Bole-Feysot repo owner

    The log file is located in C:\ProgramData\romcenter. Could you zip it and post it here ?

  2. Eric Bole-Feysot repo owner

    Thank you. I will have a look and try to fix it. The beta9 is ready, but I will include the fix if possible.

  3. Eric Bole-Feysot repo owner

    I attached a debug build of beta 9. Could you check the problem is fixed ? If not, post the new log file. It will be more detailed with this build. Thank you.

  4. datta reporter

    It did not fix the issue. I have attached a new log file.

    The update was a bit of a pain. It decided it need to fix 10,000 more files than it needed before. I had it reload the folder and it is back to what it was before. While it was loading the files, it didn't have a working progress bar for a process that took around 6 hours. The logs from this process is in the log file as well.

  5. datta reporter

    I should mention that it took a much larger number of corrections in a batch before it crashed. It used to crash somewhere between 10-20, This time it was a much larger batch.

  6. datta reporter

    I gave this one around 1000 files to do. New different exception from before.

    I did notice that the exception window sometimes pops up while threads are running and the app can keep functioning (I can fix more files) while it is open. The app only quits when I close the exception window.

    This log was not like that, it crashed without interaction.

  7. Eric Bole-Feysot repo owner

    Hi datta

    I have build a new debug version. Can you test it and report here ? Thanks The error is quite random and it seems to be linked to the db library I use. I pull the library source and added some custom code to prevent the error and I didn't get the error any more... Hope it works.

    Thanks for your time.

  8. datta reporter

    This seems to have done it.

    I had it fix about 300 files with no pop-ups or stopping. I will do some more testing.

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