Non existent DB loaded upon startup

Issue #17 resolved
Wanderer created an issue

I created a mame set, entered the path of mame.exe and as the database file i entered a name without any path. I pressed Create and the database file was saved in RC's dir.

I have now moved the file from there but every time i open RC, this file also appears as a tab. If i click it and close RC, when i reopen it, this file appears again.

Comments (9)

  1. Eric Bole-Feysot repo owner

    I fixed the default folder for db destination (I used the datafile/emulator path). If the db file doesn't exist, an error message is displayed when you try to open it. The tab remains available for future use, for example if your db file is located on a usb key for example. If you don't want it anymore, you must close it by clicking the cross icon on the right of the tab. Do you thing the behavior is correct ?

  2. Wanderer reporter

    Yes, it seems fine. It's what i originally expected. I closed the tab and restarted RC hoping that would get rid of the tab. I was surprised when it didn't.

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