Unable to extract datas from mame.

Issue #96 invalid
Steve Beaudoin created an issue

As you suggested me, I installed v4 because I had a out of memory on 3.7.

On windows 10 1803 with 16GB of RAM and 108GB free on C drive. Configured the application to import data from mame64 v0.198b stable (romCenter and mame installed in C:\Program Files, not C:\Program Files x86). The destination file is configured to be on the D drive who have 643GB free.

I have receive the following message right at the begining of the creation "Unable to extract datas from emulator c:\program files\mame\make64.exe".

Tried to find any logs in the event viewer of the program folder or appdata, can't find any.

Comments (8)

  1. Steve Beaudoin reporter

    Ok, found the log. Access denied on the mame folder. The user must have write access. Solved.

    Suggestion : (1) install mame with romcenter in his folder to solve security issue, (2) romcenter support to check and upgrade mame.

  2. Eric Bole-Feysot repo owner

    "c:\program files\mame\make64.exe" ? It seems you downloaded the mame source file. You must use mame.exe to extract roms with romcenter.

  3. Steve Beaudoin reporter

    ?? exe is not a source file, you must know it. It is the 64 bit version of mame. It is mame0198b_64bit.exe in this page : http://mamedev.org/release.html. After I gave "authenticated users" write access to the mame folder, it works now and have been able to extract the rom list from mame.

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