My own sound files?

Issue #2 wontfix
Izaak7 NA created an issue

Any way to use my own sound files as alerts? I like yours, but it would be nice. I'm used to my own after using TOR-Assistant for a while. (Yours is way better btw except for this minor issue)

Comments (6)

  1. Steffen repo owner

    Thanks for the feedback. You are not the first one to suggest this feature but I have not added it, and will not do it. Why? If you add your own sound files, the configuration you save to your disk is no longer usable by other people because they do not have the same set of sound files in the same location.

    But you may suggest, that I add some more sound files which are freely available.

  2. Izaak7 NA reporter

    Seems silly. Are there more people sharing files than requesting to use their own files? Where would one even go to share??? I mean, it's your program, do what you want

  3. Steffen repo owner

    You are the second one suggesting this feature. The first one understands this/my arguments. And I am just saying, that I like the portability of the saved files. It is convenient and works out of the box everywhere. Even the defaults loaded when you start MSE-6 for the first time are stored in these files..

  4. Izaak7 NA reporter

    I don't know dude. Maybe add a few more "Star Wars'y" sound files? Check out Parsec's timer options. Those are cool

  5. Steffen repo owner

    Yes Parsec's sound files are cool and are way more "Star Wars'y".

    I am sorry to disappoint you again, but these sounds are not distinctive enough. The sounds currently used in MSE-6 can easily be distinguished from the rest of the gameplay. If I would add star wars sounds, no one knows where the sound came from..

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