Automap didn't saved into the savegame.

Issue #111 resolved
Former user created an issue

Using the latest one of 1.2.9999 in Drdteam dev. builds site.

1.Play any game, Wolf3d or SoD.

2.Go through in the level, make the automap drawing somethings...

3.Saved the game, and then load the game immediately.

4.Check the automap, it only drew the tiles near the player and not ones on already visited areas before loading the savegame.

I'm not sure if it's a bug or missing feature...

Not related the problem, if it possible do some sort of cheats about automap? Like iddt in DooM or "dnshowmap" cheat in DN3D game...

Comments (4)

  1. Braden Obrzut

    The automap is not complete by any means, so it's a known missing feature.

    Tab+O will reveal the entire map, of course it's of limited use in Wolf3D since the void area is filled in. Not sure there's a whole lot I can do about that.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Ok, understood and thanks your reply. :)

    Tab+O is enough I guess but only works in debug mode is least for Wolf3D/SoD... Maybe adding things like the DooM's iddt x 2, showed all enemies and items/objects when toggled in automap...and "follow mode" in automap for checking the whole map without moving my BJ around(found this can be annoying for some reasons)...

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