For "Alt" and "Ctrl" to be known as different buttons.

Issue #127 wontfix
Christopher D created an issue

It really annoys me. When turning on debug mode, I shoot (because my shooting button is "Ctrl") which can wake up enemies. I know that they're often counted as the same button, but many games (like ZDoom) know that they actually aren't.

Comments (5)

  1. Braden Obrzut

    Do you use a different keyboard layout or something? Since when are ctrl and alt the same button? With the default control scheme (ctrl = shoot, alt = strafe) nothing happens when enabling debug mode.

  2. Christopher D reporter

    (Wow, what an old issue!) I just checked it out and it is indeed related to my keyboard scheme! I use the polish keyboard scheme by default, but changing it to english fixes the issue. It seems that polish keyboard scheme registers the Right Alt as "Ctrl + Left Alt" - I just found out that pressing these two buttons allows me to type polish characters, just like pressing Right Alt alone.

    Still, I don't recall ever having that problem in other games - might it be related to how SDL reads keyboard input?

  3. Braden Obrzut

    Doesn't seem to do this on Linux at least. Can you try something based on SDL 2.0 like recent versions of Chocolate Doom or Eternity Engine and see if the same issue occurs there. Guessing it's an SDL issue since I don't see anything that would cause it to handle that case in that manner.

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