Mouse grabbing behavior is bugged

Issue #148 resolved
Former user created an issue

If I have mouse grabbing in windowed mode turned off in the controls menu, it doesn't respond quite right. If I'm in fullscreen and switch to windowed mode, ECWolf will still grab the mouse until I navigate to the controls menu, at which point the mouse will be freed. If I am in windowed and switch to fullscreen mode, the mouse will remain unresponsive until I navigate to the controls menu, at which point the game will become responsive to mouse control again.

Though not exactly a bug and not directly related to the above issue, I think the mouse should be freed if ECWolf isn't in focus. As it is currently, alt-tabbing while playing ECWolf is very cumbersome.

Comments (2)

  1. Filipe Tolhuizen

    I think it's a SDL issue. Try using and older version like 1.2.13. I had similar problems with 1.2.15.

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