Screen tearing.

Issue #153 closed
Former user created an issue

There's awful screen tearing since it's not locked to 30 or 60 fps. Please give an option to lock the frame rate at 60.

Comments (8)

  1. Braden Obrzut

    Going to note here that the reason there's no vsync is because SDL 1.2 does not provide vsync for it's supported back end (windib).

    You can get vsync via your video driver if you use the directx backend. But you risk side effects of deprecated software (video freezes).

    set SDL_VIDEODRIVER=directx
  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Thanks, but I don't want vsync. I just want an option to lock the framerate to 60 in the video settings. That would get rid of the screen tearing. If you don't mind me asking, why do you have the framerate locked at 70 instead of 30 or 60?

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Thanks. For some reason though, if I copy everything but don't replace SDL, the game runs at 60fps, but the graphics of the doors are messed up.

  4. Filipe Tolhuizen

    If you have a nvidia card, get nvinspector and create a profile for ECWolf. You should see the option to limit the framerate at any value.

  5. Braden Obrzut

    I have no idea why re-installing would change anything. The palette issue can be fixed by using the latest development version:

    As for nvinspector, I'm not sure why that works, but if it does that's good to know. I do think there exist some settings to get Windows to vsync windib (at the very least prevent tearing), but I have no idea what those settings are since it seems some computers tear worse than others.

  6. Filipe Tolhuizen

    It's just a feature on newer nvidia drivers that can be enabled by using nvinspector. Never tested it on SDL applications but it does work for every game I tested. Not sure if AMD/ATI has it.

  7. Braden Obrzut

    Latest version is using SDL 2.0 which has vsync support. This is the best that can be done until the frame rate is unlocked which doesn't really need a ticket.

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