Light pools render in front of corpses/clips

Issue #181 wontfix
Former user created an issue

This is cosmetic (maybe a pathological case could conceal a needed drop), and is vanilla behavior, but looks rather silly. Modern Doom ports routinely clean up such issues.

Comments (1)

  1. Braden Obrzut

    I don't believe there's anything that can reasonably done here. While your extreme case may be fixable with a priority system, any heuristic that tries to make objects in the background draw over objects in the foreground is prone to failure. More over, we can't assume that mods use the objects for the same purposes. (Doom ports that make objects translucent get criticized for making mods look awful (which ZDoom tends to avoid since its translucency is less wide spread and more subtle than say Legacy's, but I've seen some mods affected.))

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