Incorrectly named saves, take on names from the one above it(?)

Issue #184 closed
Belmondo created an issue

I'm not even sure if it has to necessarily be the save above it in the index, but to avoid complications in explaining this issue, I've taken screenshots.

Here is my vanilla Wolfenstein save file, aptly named "Wolf"


When I enter the load game menu however, it is changed to "Techdemo12", which is as shown below, the name of the save file above it.


The quick load feature seems to yield the same bug:


I should note the save file itself isn't corrupted in any way, it's just the name.

Comments (5)

  1. Belmondo reporter

    Man, I've been having the time of my life trying to reproduce this bug but no luck so far. I'm starting to doubt the validity of this issue because I could've selected a save, cancelled my selection (all via the menu screen) and saved over it, but that doesn't explain how my "Coffee" save file was mysteriously removed. Or how it wasn't the original "Techdemo12" save that wasn't replaced, it was "Wolf" which was subsequently replaced with the former after this somehow happened. I am confused but I'll keep trying.

  2. Belmondo reporter

    I'm not even sure how this happened but I only managed to reproduce something similar to this error once and it didn't happen again upon further testing. I'll close this issue since it was most likely an error on my part.

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