Memory fault on FreeBSD 12

Issue #269 closed
interkosmos created an issue

Trying to run ECWolf 1.3.3 on FreeBSD 12 leads to a memory fault:

$ ./ecwolf
ReadConfig: Reading the Configuration.
IWad: Selecting base game data.
W_Init: Init WADfiles.
 adding ecwolf.pk3, 72 lumps
 adding ./audiot.wl6, 288 lumps
 adding ./gamemaps.wl6, 120 lumps
 adding ./vgagraph.wl6, 158 lumps
 adding ./vswap.wl6, 588 lumps
InitGame: Setting up the game...
VL_ReadPalette: Setting up the Palette...
ClassDef: Loading actor definitions.
S_Init: Reading SNDINFO defintions.
S_Init: Reading SNDSEQ defintions.
US_Startup: Starting the User Manager.
CreateMenus: Preparing the menu system...
DemoLoop: Starting the game loop...
Memory fault

The start screen with copyright notice of id Software is shown correctly. The Wolfenstein 3D title screen is just blue, but the main theme is playing in the background. Game crashes after some seconds.

Comments (5)

  1. interkosmos reporter

    I’ve cloned the repo and tried it again:

    $ ./ecwolf
    ReadConfig: Reading the Configuration.
    IWad: Selecting base game data.
    W_Init: Init WADfiles.
     adding ecwolf.pk3, 99 lumps
     adding ./audiot.wl6, 288 lumps
     adding ./gamemaps.wl6, 120 lumps
     adding ./vgagraph.wl6, 158 lumps
     adding ./vswap.wl6, 588 lumps
    InitGame: Setting up the game...
    SDL_Init: Using SDL 2.0.10
    VL_ReadPalette: Setting up the Palette...
    ClassDef: Loading actor definitions.
    TILE8 is not a recognizable font

    The ECWolf start screen is shown (“initializing game engine”) and the game then crashes.

  2. interkosmos reporter

    No backtrace:

    (gdb) run
    Starting program: ./ecwolf 
    No protocol specified
    ReadConfig: Reading the Configuration.
    IWad: Selecting base game data.
    W_Init: Init WADfiles.
     adding ecwolf.pk3, 99 lumps
     adding ./audiot.wl6, 288 lumps
     adding ./gamemaps.wl6, 120 lumps
     adding ./vgagraph.wl6, 158 lumps
     adding ./vswap.wl6, 588 lumps
    InitGame: Setting up the game...
    SDL_Init: Using SDL 2.0.10
    VL_ReadPalette: Setting up the Palette...
    No protocol specified
    [New LWP 100927 of process 2274]
    ClassDef: Loading actor definitions.
    TILE8 is not a recognizable font
    [LWP 100927 of process 2274 exited]
    [Inferior 1 (process 2274) exited with code 01]
    (gdb) backtrace
    No stack

  3. interkosmos reporter

    Please excuse my late reply. Finally, I was able to find game files with the correct MD5 checksums. As you have said, ECWolf just runs fine with them.

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