SD3 Fails to Load, Falling Back to Regular SoD

Issue #284 invalid
Luzio Corvi created an issue

Hi, I'm using the 64-bit build of ECWolf 1.3.3 on Windows 10. As the title says, when I choose to load Spear of Destiny MP3 in the launcher, it insteads starts the regular Spear of Destiny. I have the exact files required listed in the wiki, and the md5sums match. Furthermore, SoD MP2 does not have this problem, it loads correctly.
Let me know if you need additional info/files and I will provide it, thanks in advance.

Comments (10)

  1. Braden Obrzut

    Can you run ECWolf from the command prompt and copy the log it produces? If you need specific instructions on how to do this let me know.

  2. Luzio Corvi reporter

    ReadConfig: Reading the Configuration.
    IWad: Selecting base game data.
    W_Init: Init WADfiles.
    adding ecwolf.pk3, 72 lumps
    adding .\AUDIOT.SOD, 267 lumps
    adding .\GAMEMAPS.SOD, 42 lumps
    adding .\VGAGRAPH.SOD, 169 lumps
    adding .\VSWAP.SOD, 595 lumps
    adding .\GAMEMAPS.SD3, 42 lumps
    adding .\VSWAP.SD3, 595 lumps
    InitGame: Setting up the game...
    VL_ReadPalette: Setting up the Palette...
    ClassDef: Loading actor definitions.
    S_Init: Reading SNDINFO defintions.
    S_Init: Reading SNDSEQ defintions.
    US_Startup: Starting the User Manager.
    CreateMenus: Preparing the menu system...
    DemoLoop: Starting the game loop...

    MAP01 - Gateway to Chaos

    This is my output from running ECWolf and selecting SD3 at the dialogue, no other options used.

  3. Braden Obrzut

    Odd, it looks like it’s doing everything it should be doing. Are you sure when you verified the hashes of the SD3 files that you were looking at the right files?

  4. Luzio Corvi reporter

    Yes, I have:

    GAMEMAPS.SD3 4219d83568d770b1c6ac9c2d4d1dfb9e

    MAPHEAD.SD3 52fd50245a77e61dc1df91110c186195

    VSWAP.SD3 e3e87518f51414872c454b7d72a45af6

    All the exact same as those listed on the wiki.

  5. Braden Obrzut

    Rename GAMEMAPS.SOD, MAPHEAD.SOD, and VSWAP.SOD to *.BAK. Then rename the SD3 files to SOD. Start Spear of Destiny as if you were playing the vanilla game. Does it work then?

    Maybe try dragging and dropping GAMEMAPS.SD3 and VSWAP.SD3 and starting the original mission and seeing if that makes a difference somehow?

    I really can’t think of any reason why you might be having this issue unless somehow ECWolf is loading a different set of SD3 files from the ones you think…

  6. Braden Obrzut

    I don’t think this would cause the symptom you’re having but if you have any SD1 files in the directory. Delete them.

  7. Luzio Corvi reporter

    Neither method made any difference. I also tried with the alternate UAC version of the game files just in case and the problem persisted. I don’t have the game installed from Steam/GOG/etc, these are the only SD3 files on my computer.

    (Edit) No SD1 files present either.

  8. Luzio Corvi reporter

    I’ve found the problem. Somewhere during setup I must’ve overwritten the SOD files with those from Mission 3 (I copied them from the old CD release where all 3 packs have files named *.SOD), and as I’d never played the game before I assumed that WAS mission 1. After replacing the files I can now play SoD for real, thanks for the help.

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