Wolfenstein 3D Episode 6 Map 10 Behavour Issues

Issue #305 new
David Hoyle created an issue

I think I found 2 issues with playing the above level in ECWOLF 1.3.3.

  1. There are 3 bosses in the level and they are not supposed to move unless shot at.
  2. There is a push wall (second to the right) in the push wall maze (past the mutants through the far right door) that should move twice as far as normal but doesn’t and therefore prevents the player from getting 3 one-ups.

I’ve run Wolf3D in DOSBox and both of the above issues are not present which would suggest that I don’t have defective maps (they are the originals from a very long time ago).



Comments (5)

  1. Braden Obrzut

    You are probably correct on the first point and I probably made a transcription error.

    For the second one, unless I’m looking at the wrong space, I’m not seeing where you think the pushwall is being a problem? Pushwalls stop at the wall if they hit one, so if the north pushwall moved three tiles it would sit on top of one of the one ups. If the east pushwall moved 4 spaces, then it would block the hallway.

    That said, while there is a glitch in the vanilla where if your frame rate is 70fps (which was at the very least unusual if not impossible in 1992), or if you happen to get lucky and the frame skips align perfectly the pushwall will move 3 spaces. But never more. ECWolf fixes this glitch so they always move 2 spaces as intended (unless there’s a wall in the way reducing that to 1 or 0 spaces). I don’t see how it’s possible that you got to all three of those one ups in vanilla using a path that isn’t also possible in ECWolf. Will need either a drawing or a video.

  2. David Hoyle reporter

    Before raising the issue I found a walkthrough of the original map on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDRX-e28BUY&t=1341s) because I thought I was pressing the walls in an incorrect order.

    If you watch from 22:00 onwards, you will see the first 2 wall pushes I’m referring to, the second wall moves 3 spaces. I don’t have anything to view the maps to see how this wall behaves differently from the other that move 2 spaces.

    I believe the walkthrough is using the original WOLF3D.EXE in DOSBox. If I also use the original WOLFD3D.EXE in DOSBox and push that second wall, it also moves 3 spaces as the video shows giving access to the 3 one-ups.



  3. Braden Obrzut

    Oh, don’t know how I missed that option in that maze. But yeah that’s not the intended path to get to those one ups. The intention was for that second pushwall he opens to render those one ups inaccessible.

    The intended path is: starting from the first pushwall he opened, go left instead. Then in the space that opens up, turn right and push the south wall. Continuing the face south, press the wall to the right of where the pushwall stopped. Standing in the tile where this pushwall started, push the wall to the right and the one ups will be accessible.

    Since modern computers are fast enough to run the vanilla game at 70fps pushwalls will pretty much always move 3 spaces in DOSBox, but this breaks some of the secrets. Since some third party vanilla level sets were designed for 3 space pushwall movement I do have a mod that can be loaded to change the movement to 3 spaces if you would like: http://maniacsvault.net/ecwolf/files/mods/support/pushwallrange.pk3 But all of id’s levels were designed for 2 space movement.

  4. Braden Obrzut

    If you want to see the frame rate dependent thing in DOSBox, just lower the cycles the DOSBox until the game is no longer running at a locked 70fps. At which point the secrets will stop moving 3 spaces most of the time.

  5. David Hoyle reporter

    Braden, thanks for the directions. Unfortunately, they didn’t work for me but it doesn’t matter too much.

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