Unable to load saved games

Issue #56 resolved
Federico Bett created an issue

If a game is saved, the application is exited and opened again the load game option is not available.

It seems that the games are being saved on "%APPDATA%" folder, but being loaded from the "./" directory

Code Snippet: wl_loadsave.cpp

void SetupSaveGames()
    char title[MAX_SAVENAME+1];

    File saveDirectory("./");
    const TArray<FString> &files = saveDirectory.getFileList();

Workaround: Launching the game with "--savedir ." allows the savegames to be loaded

Comments (3)

  1. Braden Obrzut

    Well that's embarrassing. Looks like a hotfix will be coming out shortly (kind of want to wait for an answer on the sound card issue mentioned on Doomworld first). Anyhow, fixed in changeset 9b7ea45.

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