Sprited player class Covers DeathCam™. (And, when bobbing, crashes the game)

Issue #78 resolved
Christopher D created an issue

So I defeated Schabbs and stood very close to him, and then the DeathCam™ appeared, but my player class (which has sprites, because I heard somewhere ECWolf is going to have multi player) covered the screen. (I believe you just need to make player invisible while DeathCam™) Also, if I was moving when DeathCam™ appeared, on 1.1 the screen was bobbing (because I have a bobbing class) and in development version the game just crashed (probably because of the Running BJ bobbing fix)

Comments (10)

  1. Braden Obrzut

    Hmm I guess you have a point. I had originally thought that the player should be visible since in multiplayer you would want the other players in the background, but I guess more often than not they'd just be in the way of the deathcam. Or maybe I take the risk and only make one player invisible?

    Can you attach an example of a visible player class?

  2. Christopher D reporter

    Also, something I noticed is that when the game is forced to show player's front sprite it crashes. (Or maybe it tries to render in wall?) How I did it: I made Schabbs be stuck between wall and table, and before he died I quickly ran to behind him to see my sweet front sprite.

    By the way, am I right about that bobbing?

  3. Christopher D reporter

    Okay, so first thing is, player gets visible when screen fades out after DeathCam™.

    The game still crashes, but I can't record it because the game have very low FPS'. I will make a issue about it. (With more info)

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