Banner not showing up for Service Desk

Issue #5 resolved
Pragya Sardana created an issue

Hey Eddie,

I have tried the plugin for JIRA Service Desk and the banner is not showing up for the customers portal. Can you please confirm that this feature is not implemented.


Pragya Sardana

Comments (6)

  1. Eddie Webbinaro repo owner

    Hi Pragya!

    Yes I'll dig into this tonight, thanks for raising the bug here! Can you let me know JIRA version? And if running Service Desk plugin that version as well.

  2. Pragya Sardana Account Deactivated reporter

    Hey Eddie,

    Thanks for the quick reply. Here are the details.

    • Jira: 7.2.6
    • Jira Service Desk Version: 3.2.6


    Pragya Sardana

  3. Eddie Webbinaro repo owner

    I've added fix using new announcement panel atlassian uses. Screen Shot 2017-03-22 at 10.00.53 PM.png

    Considering other places in Service Desk, so if you ahve preference let me know.

    "Legacy Banner Style" works across all pages, but is simpler.

  4. Pragya Sardana Account Deactivated reporter

    I would love to try it out once the fix is in the market place.



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