After updating to 1.4 banner no longer appears...

Issue #9 resolved
Jeanyhwh Desulme created an issue

The following logs appear directly in Bamboo. Looking at the urls and ports it makes me think that these ports need to open within AWS's security group even though the request is coming back to itself.

2017-07-31 15:02:47,249 WARN [LittleProxy-ClientToProxyWorker-7] [ChannelInitializer] Failed to initialize a channel. Cl osing: [id: 0xced7e082, / => /] java.lang.ClassCastException 2017-07-31 15:02:47,425 WARN [LittleProxy-ClientToProxyWorker-0] [ChannelInitializer] Failed to initialize a channel. Cl osing: [id: 0x0f368e67, / => /] java.lang.ClassCastException 2017-07-31 15:02:47,425 WARN [LittleProxy-ClientToProxyWorker-1] [ChannelInitializer] Failed to initialize a channel. Cl osing: [id: 0x630c6f24, / => /] java.lang.ClassCastException

Comments (1)

  1. Jeanyhwh Desulme reporter

    This can be closed. It was due to the webfragment-finder plugin which runs a proxy server at localhost:8888 and was redirecting outbound traffic through it.

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